Group of people Dancing

About the Mission

Steve is a pastor, missionary, and church planter. His ministry is mostly to Haitians and Haitian refugees living in the Dominican Republic and the US. Steve Saintus and his wife are both involved in the ministry. Good things are happening in the ministry. Since 2000, Hosanna Global Mission (HGM) has been committed to spreading the Gospel. Its primary goal is evangelization and providing services that assist low-income individuals and families in gaining self-sufficiency and economic independence through a holistic and comprehensive list of programs that address several needs. Please keep reading to learn more about Hosanna Global Missions.

Our Vision

God has given us the vision to equip leaders to plant churches and to help the lost reach of Christ. Training is founded on principles distilled from the Word of God. We seek to be true to the model that Jesus gave us to equip, empower, and send out kingdom multipliers. Apart from church planting and equipping leaders, we also exist to empower, educate and encourage economically disadvantaged individuals, families and communities.

Our Mission

Our goal is to help leaders spread the Gospel, help people accomplish their goals, embody the spirit of hope, and improve communities. We are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other. Consequently, this revision of the texts, without making any modification to the primary vision and mission of the association, strengthened and restructured the internal organization to increase its efficiency because of the spectacular increase in the necessity to win souls for Christ. Our efforts to carry the vision and mission of HGM these last 21 years have made it possible to envision an adequate organization for a new start for a better harvest of souls.

Christ-Centered Community

Hosanna Global Mission seeks to be a Christ-centered community where knowledge is pursued with excellence, faith is rooted in Christ, and character is exemplified through service. We are dedicated to creating a caring and nurturing environment, producing lifelong learners, making disciples of Christ, and planting churches regionally, nationally, and globally.

People Doing Prayers

Core Values

  • Biblically Based: God's Word is our guide, authority, and conscience in everything. We stand firm where it stands firm and remain flexible where it is flexible. (2 Timothy 3:16) ​​
  • Fully Devoted to Christ: We measure our success by our ability to be and make disciples. Full devotion to Jesus is normal for every believer. (Luke 9:23) ​​
  • Grounded in Grace: We acknowledge our complete dependence on the goodness and grace of God. We have benefited from the kind intention of His will; therefore, we eagerly extend it to others. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
  • Committed to the Uncommitted: We believe that lost people matter to God; therefore, they matter to us. Jesus came to seek and save the lost and has left us here, in part, to do the same. Our individual lives and corporate efforts will reflect this conviction. (Luke 19:10) ​​
  • Relevant and Innovative: The Bible does not tell us to use only certain styles or to present our message only through words. However, the Bible clarifies that we must find ways to effectively bring the message "into all the world" to make disciples. We believe this will require scrutiny of everything we do - new practices and old - and a willingness to change when necessary within biblical parameters so that we "by all possible means might save some." (1 Corinthians 9:22)
  • Committed to Community: Belonging to our community requires a commitment to being intentionally involved with others in accountable, encouraging relationships. We believe life change happens best in the context of relationships. In clusters of caring people, participants share and encourage each other toward spiritual growth. Here people can experience both the benefits of a larger church and enjoy the kind of relationships that only develop in small, safe settings. (Hebrews 10:24-25) ​
  • Ministry and Service: We strive for excellence without compromise in all areas of our ministry and lives. We strive to deliver an experience that exceeds our highest expectations. We believe that each believer has received a special gift and should employ it in serving others as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Spiritual giftedness and maturity determine where and how a believer serves. We believe excellence honors God and reflects His character. (1 Peter 4:10; Colossians 3:17)
Woman Holding Smartphone

What to Expect

Hosanna Global Mission exists to win souls, to bring Christ-centered foundation and transformation. We bring hope and self-sufficiency to disadvantaged people, train and equip disciples to launch spiritual movements and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ while planting churches and encouraging leaders to do the same. God has given us the vision to equip leaders to plant churches to help the lost reach of Christ.

Other Values

  • Accountability: We are personally and collectively responsible for delivering on our commitments.​​
  • Collaboration: We leverage our collective genius.​
  • Compassion: We act with kindness, empathy, and caring for all those we serve.
  • Adaptability: We proactively pursue continuous improvement.
  • ​Investment: We commit to the growth and success of our most valuable.​
  • Resources: Our people and our communities.​
  • Excellence: In whatever we do, we do it with a dedication to being the best for God's glory. We believe excellence honors God and reflects his character. We strive for excellence without compromise in all areas of our ministry and lives.
  • Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of honesty and fairness in all that we do.​
  • Teamwork: We will respect each member of our team and church members and support one another in achieving our goals and mission.​​
  • Training and Discipleship: Intentional participation in relationships with others at different levels of spiritual maturity is essential. While we provide many formal occasions for growth, we prioritize the value of relationships. Jesus apprenticed his disciples, even as his disciples today are called to mentor or be mentored by others.​
  • Diversity: We agree that churches more easily attract others with similar preferences and life experiences and therefore acknowledge that simply by being who we are, we are necessarily "targeting" a particular segment of our society. Our desire, however, is that the Holy Spirit will bless us with a rich diversity of ages, life stages, and religious, racial, educational, and socioeconomic backgrounds. We desire to foster an atmosphere of unity that communicates warmth and acceptance of all who care to join us. We hope that the things that ultimately define us are those that speak to the need of the entire human race, not only specific ethnic or demographic ones. Therefore, we stress such universal concerns as forgiveness, redemption, significance, peace, meaning, and truth above styles, tastes, and preferences.
  • Unity: We embrace diversity but require unity in the essentials, understanding in the non-essentials, and seek in every way to love others as Christ has first loved us. We have a significant commitment to the great commandment and the Great Commission.

Statement of Faith

1. We believe that the Bible is the written Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and we believe in the full inspiration of the original scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.

2. We believe in the Holy Trinity. One God exists eternally in three persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

3. We believe in the divine power of Jesus Christ, his death, his resurrection, and his ascension.

4. We believe that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, and nothing can deprive us of our salvation.

5. We believe in baptism by immersion, and we also believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the day we accept Christ as our personal Savior.

6. We believe in the imperative need and complete sufficiency of Christ's atoning sacrifice and the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit.

7. We believe in the personal and visible return of the Lord Jesus, the eternal life and glory of the saints, and the death of the unbelievers.

8. We believe the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for every believer and that these gifts will help us live a sanctified life.

9. We believe it is the duty and privilege of every follower of Christ and every church of the Lord Jesus Christ to make disciples of all nations.

10. We believe that God is the source of all blessings, temporal and spiritual; all that we have and are we owe to Him. We are, therefore, under obligation to serve Him with our time, talents, and material possessions.

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